Service Rules: Terms and Conditions for Fleetix GPS Monitoring Services

Kyiv city
"01" July 2022.

These Service Rules (hereinafter - the Rules) apply to the conditions for providing access and related services regarding the monitoring of objects using the Fleetix software and the terms of its payment. The Rules are automatically accepted by the User when receiveng access to the Software.
User - an individual or legal entity that receives the Services in accordance with these Rules.
Fleetix is a legal entity with which the User has an agreement to provide the Services in accordance with these Rules.

1.1. System - a set of Equipment and Software indicated in these rules, with the help of which the User has the ability to access information about the state of movement, location, status of connected sensors. The system is based on the global system for designating the location of objects and uses a mobile communication network.
1.2. Equipment - a set of technical devices installed at the User's Objects, which are an integral part of the System.
1.3. Object - a stationary or mobile vehicle or mechanism, which is controlled by the System, and on which the Equipment is installed.
1.4. Software - is a set of software tools "Fleetix", which are located at the link and enable the User, using an Internet browser or a special software application, to track his Objects.
1.5. Technical support - a set of actions for remote diagnostics of problems with the System, their prompt solution, and in case of impossibility of solution, the organization of Service maintenance, if this is provided for by agreement with the User.
1.6. Service Maintenance – a set of tools for restoring the System's operability, which is carried out at the User's Object. The result of such work may be the complete restoration of the System's operability, or the removal of the Equipment for its further repair.
1.7. Mobile Object Monitoring Services (hereinafter - "Services") - services for remote control of the User's Objects and provision of Technical Support to him.
1.8. Regulations for Relations with the User (hereinafter - "Regulations") - a description of the interaction procedures regarding the provision of the Services, the execution of Technical Support and Service Maintenance.
1.9. Hold - a temporary suspension of Services at the initiative of the User, during which the SIM-card in the User's Object remains activated, while no new data is received by the System.
1.10. Deactivation - the final stop of the Services at the initiative of the User or Fleetix, during which the deactivation of the SIM card installed in the User's Equipment is performed.

2.1. User can:
2.1.1. Get 24/7 access to the data that was collected by the System, about the status of movement, location and status of connected sensors at their own Objects.
2.1.2. Change the number of Objects in accordance with the Regulations.
2.1.3. Receive Technical Support and Service Maintenance in accordance with the Regulations.
2.1.4. Use all functionality of the Software.
2.2. User must:
2.2.1. Follow the Regulations.
2.2.2. Make payment for the provided Services timely and in full.
2.2.3. Make everything to receive invoices and documents of work performed for the Services provided.
2.2.4. To carry out an electronic exchange of accounting documents, using an electronic digital signature, using the Vchasno service (
2.3. Fleetix can:
2.3.1. Change the cost of the Services that are provided by notifying the User in advance not less than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the actual change.
2.3.2. Refuse to provide any information regarding the operation of the System to persons who are not among the User's accounts in the System.
2.3.3. Carry out a forced Deactivation if the User has a debt for more than 2 (two) calendar months.
2.4. Fleetix must:
2.4.1. Follow the Regulations.
2.4.2. Provide the new User with access to the System within 1 (one) business day after receiving payment for the Services.

3.1. For the provision of the Services, the User pays payments according to the previously agreed cost.
3.2. The User pays each invoice in full within 2 (two) business days from the date of receipt of their electronic copies by e-mail.
3.3. Payment for the Services is not subject to return, recalculation or transfer to the next billing period.

4.1. Fleetix guarantees that information about User Objects obtained through the System will be kept secret from any third party. This paragraph does not apply to official requests from state authorities that have the appropriate authority to obtain such data.
4.2. Fleetix may provide information about User Objects obtained through the System to a third person only with the written consent of the User.

5.1. Fleetix may use the User's personal data for the following purposes:
5.1.1. Identification of the User for the provision of the Services.
5.1.2. Provision for use of the functionality of the Software.
5.1.3. Communication for the purpose of providing the Services.
5.2. Ways of processing personal data:
5.2.1. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without time limit and in any legal way.
5.2.2. The User agrees that Fleetix has the right to transfer personal data to third person, especially contractors regarding the provision of Service.
5.2.3. The User's personal data may be transferred to the authorized state authorities of Ukraine only on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine.
5.2.4. In case of loss or disclosure of personal data, the Company informs the User about the loss or disclosure of personal data.

6.1. Service activation procedure:
6.1.1. The Services are considered to be automatically activated upon installation of the Equipment at the User Object, unless otherwise approved in the course of business.
6.1.2. Reactivation of the Services for the Objects that were previously set to the Hold status begins on the 1st day of the month following the current month.
6.2. Hold procedure:
6.2.1. The user leaves a request for the Hold in accordance with р.6.5. of Regulations.
6.2.2. The Services are placed on the Hold within 2 (two) business days from the date of request for changing the number of Objects, but not earlier than the date specified by the User.
6.2.3. The minimum term for placing on the Hold is 1 (one) calendar month.
6.3. Billing procedure for the provision of Services:
6.3.1. The total cost of the Services is determined based on the number of active Objects in the Software at the time of invoicing.
6.3.4. Services to be provided during the current period will be billed on the first business day of the current period.
6.4. Procedure for restricting the User’s access to the System:
6.4.1. If the User break the terms of payment for the Services, Fleetix has the right to unilaterally restrict access to the System in one of the following ways: Blocking access to the System. Forced Deactivation in case of non-payment of bills within 2 (two) calendar months from the moment they were issued, including blocking of the SIM card installed in the User Equipment. When access is restricted, Fleetix informs the User with e-mail.
6.5. Technical Support Procedure:
6.5.1. If the User has any questions regarding the operation of the System, the User has the right to contact the Technical Support Service.
6.5.2. All reuests to the Technical Support Service are made using the JIRA Service Desk online resource with the link or using a widget built into the Software.
6.5.3. In rare cases, other types of communication may be agreed upon in the following priorities: Email Telephone. Messengers.
6.5.4. The Technical Support Service is obliged to provide a response to a request to the User's Technical Support Service within 8 working hours, unless other individual conditions for the provision of the Services are approved.
6.5.5. Fleetix has the right to refuse to provide a response to a request to the Technical Support Service if the User has any debt.
6.5.6. If the problem is resolved in full, the Technical Support service is considered completed.
6.5.7. If it is impossible to fully resolve the issues specified in the User's request, Fleetix initiates the Service Maintenance procedure, if it is provided for by the agreement.
6.6. Service procedure:
6.6.1. Fleetix has the right to refuse Service Maintenanceto the User if there is any debt.
6.6.2. The conditions for the implementation of the Service are agreed with the User in working order.

7.1. Fleetix has the right to use the brand, company name and trademark of the User for advertising and marketing purposes.
7.2. New Rules come into force from the moment of their placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Rules.
7.3. The current Rules are posted on the page at